A Study of the Effects of Home – Based Lunch Provision on Child Retention in Primary Schools in Mbita District, Kenya
Child retention rates in the Public Primary Schools in Mbita District has dropped to 70%. The 30%
attrition rate is quite a concern among the Education officials and the community in the district. The
purpose of this study therefore is to establish the effects of Home – Based lunch provision on child
retention in the public primary schools. To achieve this, the study is focused on determining the
problems, effects and intervention measures to curb the declining child retention rates in the
primary schools in Mbita District. The study adopts a descriptive technique and utilizes a
combination of Stratified Random Sampling and Precision rate and Confidence level derivative n =
. P.q. N/e
(N-1)+ z
.p.q to define the study sample size of 42 schools from a target population of
98 public primary schools. The data is collected using closed ended questionnaires and interview
schedules sent to Head Teachers, Class Teachers and Class Prefects to standard six class. Two post
graduate research assistants have volunteered to assist in the distribution, interviewing, collection
and editing of the responses. Data analysis involve descriptive statistics done using the Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer programme. The study findings will be presented
using tables, frequencies, percentages and charts.
- Master of Education [29]