Browsing 8th Annual Conference Kabarak University 2018 by Title
Now showing items 38-57 of 57
Market Forces versus Professionalism:A Priority Dilemma Resultingin Departures from Traditional Layout ofthe Standard Newspaper
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)The phenomenon of tabloidization enteredthe realmof journalism as an undesirabletrend as early as 1833 when the “penny press” emerged in US cities. These tabloid papers wrote for semiliterateindustrial workerswho ... -
Pioneering Role of Kabaa Catholic Mission School in Kenyan Music Education
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Every existence has its pioneering pillars that give it the foundation on which it stands. This is no exception to Kenyan Music Education. Kenyan Music Education as we know it today started as part of the first educational ... -
Popular Music Education: Insights from Tabuley’s ‘Muzina’
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Tabu Ley Rocherou was a renowned popular musician and songwriter. Most listeners to his music knew/know him for his secular popular music themes, structures and performance styles. However, his song ‘Muzina’ is arguably ... -
The Potential of Electronic Data Interchange at Huduma Center Acase of Nakuru County
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-08-14)Huduma Kenya is government initiative that was started in the year 2013 with the aim of transforming public services delivery by providing citizens access to various public services and information to Kenyan citizens. ... -
Practices, Challenges and Approaches for Software Project Risk Management in Kenyan County Governments
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)In the recent past the county governments in Kenya have embarked on an aggressive drive to automate their processes and systems in an effort to improve service delivery to their citizens, improve revenue collection and ... -
Prevalence, Perception and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in Kenyan Institutions of Higher Learning
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)The issue of sexual harassment in academia is increasingly becoming the centre of discussion. Indeed, in most educational institutions, sexual harassment and gender-based violence have become an issue of research and ... -
A Proposed Framework for Implementing Cloud ERP System in a Developing Country Local Government: A Case of Uganda
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Increased demand for efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery has made the implementation of information systems and the demand for access to real time information no longer a requirement unique to private sector ... -
The Relationship between Secondary School Students’ Attributes and their Attitudes Towards Agriculture Subject: The Case of Migori District, Kenya
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Students acquire attitudes within their classrooms, in their homes and within their community. The study focused on secondary school students attributes related to their attitudes towards agriculture as a subject and as ... -
RETSA - Real Time Security Alert
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Insecurity is a major challenge in our current world today. Millions of shillings and property has been lost, many lives has been lost due to insecurity. It is high time to embrace innovation and invention of ways to ... -
The Role Of Bureaucracy On The Socio-Economic Development Of Bauchi State
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)The role of bureaucracy in promoting socio-economic development cannot be overemphasis especially amongst the developing countries like Nigeria.The Public Bureaucracy in Bauchi State has been plagued with challenges that ... -
The Role of Kabarak University in the Development of the Music Industry in Kenya
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Music in Kenya since 2000 has been neglected in the education system. After the implementation of the 8-4-4 system of education (8 years in primary school, 4 years in high school and 4 years in university), music was not ... -
A Serial Number Based Identification Model for a Computer in a Wireless Local Area Network
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)With today’s technological evolution, wireless networks have become very common for organizations, homes and public places. For any device to be authenticated and authorized to use any of the wireless network services, ... -
Social Media Neologisms; Made in Kenya for Kenyans: A case Study of Facebook
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)This study investigated the use of Kenyan generated neologisms in the social media. This study was informed by the fact that human language is a dynamic and an ever-changing phenomenon only stable in performing its ... -
Students’ Perception of the Teaching Profession as Antecedents of Sustainability in Teacher Education
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Sustainability and sustainable development have increasingly become critical issues in teacher education and development. Since sustainable development in education is impossible without the professional competence of ... -
A Study of the Morphology of SynthesizedZnO Nanoparticles and their Application in Photodegradation of Dyes
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Environmental pollution by toxic organic contaminants is a global menace and its magnitude is increasing significantly and so declining water quality has become a global issue. Waste products produced from the textiles, ... -
Supervision of Postgraduate Students: A Personal Experience
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Supervision can be defined as a dynamic facilitative process that encourages a set of tasks and responsibilities which are performed in different domains. In research context, supervision involves supervisors’ and post ... -
Technological Advances That Enabled The Tugen To Adapt To The Physical Environment; A Historical Perspective.
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Ever since man evolved,he has continously manipulated the environment for his own survival and the society at large. The physical environment has been crucial in man’s adaptation process as it dictated what man should ... -
Tutors’ Attitudes Towards Integration Of Adaptive Technology Devices For Visually Impaired Student Teachers In Primary Teacher Training Colleges In Kenya
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)Adaptive technology devices improve the quality of education and remove learning barriers for the Visually Impaired learners. This paper is a report of a study that assessed the tutors’ attitudes towards integration of ... -
World Black Tea price volatility, Market Linkages among global tea auction markets
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)The primary determinant of the growth of the global tea economy is demand for the commodity. Tea auction markets refer to market leaders to discover prices and market behaviour. The purpose of the study was to evaluate ... -
Zilizopendwa: An Amalgamation of Music Territories at the Kenya Music Festival
(KABARAK UNIVERSITY, 2018-10-14)The Kenya Music Festival has incorporated contemporary African musical genres in the festival under the name adaptation and arrangement of zilizopendwa. Somehow in this context, the genre has become very popular among ...