Improvement of Internal Efficiency of Primary School Education: A Case of Kandara District, Murang’a County, Kenya
The reforms undertaken in education sector by the government aim at addressing
both the overall goals of national economy recovery strategy and international
commitment. The rationale for those reforms has been to improve efficiency and
cost effectiveness in resource utilization. By making primary education free to all
children regardless of their social classes, it is hoped that the handicaps that were
inherited in being poor would be removed. However, the education sector is still
faced with issues of access, equity and quality. Many children are unable to
achieve education due to various reasons like ignorance of their parents to enroll
them in schools, household burdens and poverty. This has hampered achievement
in accessing education especially where children are forced to drop out of school
because of lacking basic needs like food and uniform. It is in the wake of such
alarming trend of dropout rates that the researcher sought to assess on
improvement of internal efficiency of primary school education. The study adopted
descriptive research design to collect data. Data analysis was done through
organizing the data and tabulation in frequency tables and percentages. Study
findings revealed that schools were understaffed and had inadequate facilities;
parents neglected to monitor their children’s school going activities. The study
concluded that there were indications that guidance and counseling was needed to
reduce repetition and dropout rates. The researcher recommended that the
government should; ensure no understaffing in schools; launch public awareness
campaigns regarding the problem of dropout and ensure parental cooperation for
completion of primary cycle of education.
- Master of Education [29]