Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Management of Flash Floods in Marigat Sub County, Baringo County, Kenya
Flash flood is a natural disaster that occurs due to the sudden onset of rainfall that causes runoff
waters from high altitude areas to low altitude area. This runoff waters leads to loss of lives,
destruction of property, ...
The factors impeding Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) implementation and carbon emissions reductions and energy management in relation to climate change and sustainable development in Africa.
The paper focuses on experimentally researched information on factors that are an impediment to
the implementation of clean development mechanism, the effects and solutions on carbon
emissions reduction and energy ...
Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid And Semi-Arid Lands. A Case of Baringo County
The main objective of this study was to determine the awareness and adaptation to climate
change in Baringo County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling
technique was used to obtain the sample. ...
Constraints to Use of Rainwater Harvesting Technologies as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Baringo County
The main objective of this study was to identify constraints to adoption of rainwater harvesting
technologies (RWHT) as an adaptation strategy to climate change in Baringo County. The study
used a descriptive survey ...
Impacts of Infrastructure Development on African Cape Buffalo Behavior: A Case Study of Lake Nakuru National Park, Nakuru County, Kenya
Infrastructure development is a necessary activity; however, if the developers do not consider the
environment during the design, planning and construction stages, ecosystem losses are bound to
happen. African Cape buffalo ...