Awareness and Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid And Semi-Arid Lands. A Case of Baringo County
The main objective of this study was to determine the awareness and adaptation to climate
change in Baringo County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling
technique was used to obtain the sample. A total of 376 households were selected for the study.
Questionnaire, key informant interview schedule and observations were the main instruments of
data collection. Analysis of data was done using the SPSS. Percentages were used to analyze
awareness and adaptation to climate change. About 70% of the households in the area are aware
of climate change and have adapted to it by using small containers, storage tanks and dams..
However, many households use basic methods and technologies yet these are arid and semi-arid
lands (ASALS) where droughts are frequent and rains more erratic. There is need to increase
awareness on improved technologies in Baringo in order to adapt to changing climate.