Now showing items 141-160 of 221

      Mobile Banking, Transactions volume, Products, Technology, Security, Financial performance, Savings and credit cooperative societies [2]
      Mobile Money Services [1]
      Motivation, Dissatisfaction, Employee performance [2]
      Nakuru Town Constituency [1]
      National Land Commission [1]
      Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), self-regulation, performance, accountability, transparency. [1]
      Occupational, Safety Health management, Employee productivity, Job Hazard, Accident [1]
      Occupational,Safety Health management, Employee productivity, Job Hazard ,Accident [1]
      Officeergonomics, office ergonomics aspects, Physical work settings, Workstation equipment, Individual worker’s unique characteristics, Organizational characteristics, Employee productivity. [1]
      officeergonomics, office ergonomics aspects, Physical work settings, Workstation equipment, Individual worker’s unique characteristics, Organizational characteristics, Employee productivity. [1]
      organization culture, organization structure [1]
      organization resources and organization leaderships [1]
      Organization structure, Communication, knowledge and skills, service delivery principles. [1]
      Organizational Culture [1]
      Organizational culture, Change management, Behavioral culture, Organizational values, organizational beliefs and organizational norms. [1]
      organizational culture, school culture, goal orientation, team orientation, customer orientation, cultural strength, leading strategic change. [2]
      Organizational environment [1]
      Outsourcing, productivity, innovation,operational costs [2]
      Ownership Structure, Privatization, Firms Performance, Firm Size [1]
      Panel data [2]