Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Maternal Factors Influencing Low Birth Weight in West Pokot County, Kenya
Worldwide an estimated 20% babies are born LBW and the impact of LBW on infant
mortality is enormous. Child survival and development need more focus on healthy start of
life. The objective of this study was to investigate ...
Prevalence and Correlates of Dietary Supplements Use by Adult Outpatients Seeking Healthcare Services in a County Referral Hospital, Kenya
There is minimal knowledge on the prevalence and correlates of use of most dietary
supplements (DS) by the adult outpatients in Kenya, Kericho county despite the global rise
of their use by patients. Dietary supplementation ...
Factors That Contribute To Stunting Of Children Less Than Two Years In Food Secure Regions: A Comparative Study Of Urban And Rural Uasin Gishu
Stunting is low height for age with poor brain and physical development. It affects about
one fifth of children less than five years globally with Africa having 39% in 2017. Stunting
develops during pregnancy and in ...
Dietary Practices, Healthand Nutrition Status Of Infants Born To Adolescent Mothers In Transmara West, Narok County, Kenya
Infant and young child feeding practices contribute to the growth and development of
infants as well as preventing the occurrence of common illnesses. Infants of young mothers
are at risk of malnutrition because they are ...
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anaemia among Pregnant Women in Migratory Community, Narok County
Globally, Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) has been known to have negative effects on the
lives of more than 2 billion people. Currently, pregnant women are the most vulnerable
population corresponding to 24.8% of 3.7 billion ...