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dc.contributor.authorYATOR, Ronald
dc.descriptionFULL TEXTen_US
dc.description.abstractInsecurity is a major challenge in our current world today. Millions of shillings and property has been lost, many lives has been lost due to insecurity. It is high time to embrace innovation and invention of ways to curb the societal problems like this. That is why there is need to come up with faster security alert systems. This innovation is alert system that notifies the owner or users on an illegal access to their property. The system ensures the property access points are secured with active detectors that signal the main system to alert the owner of illegal access. Therefore ensuring that the owner can monitor his property wherever he or she is e.g. outside country, outside the locality. Due to this challenge the (RETSA – Real Time Security Alert) system that notifies the owner or users on an illegal access to their property was developed. The system ensures the property access points are secured with active detectors that signal the main system – (RETSA) to alert the owner of illegal access. Therefore ensuring that the owner can monitor his property wherever he or she is e.g. outside country, outside the locality.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Funden_US
dc.subjectRETSA, Detectors, Signal, Security, Alerten_US
dc.titleRETSA - Real Time Security Alerten_US

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