Investigation on Entrepreneurial Viability of Indigenous Innovations in Kenya. A Survey of Baringo and Nakuru Counties on Mursik Milk
Indigenous innovations can aid developing nations embark on a cumulative path of
positive growth. Mursik is a traditional milk preservation technology among Kalenjin community
in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. However, its success and commercial performance or future
potential has remained unknown. This study was aimed at investigating on entrepreneurial
viability of Mursik commercialization. Data was obtained using semi-structured questionnaires
administered on a snow-balled sample of 59 accessed enterprises. The findings obtained
indicated that there was huge supply of milk in the proximal catchment area but suppliers
preferred delivering their milk to large milk processors who unfortunately had not yet adopted
Mursik product line. Good news was that the innovation possessed necessary characteristics for
potential massive adoption. The researcher therefore recommends further research on rapid
production techniques that could conserve the quality of the original Mursik, deliver value
packaging, and establish promotion and distribution beyond the traditional Mursik users.