Challenges Facing Implementation Of Integrated Oral Literature Syllabus In Secondary Schools In Nakuru Town East Sub-county

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Chepkemboi, Cecilia
Chemwei, Bernard
Awino, James O.
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Oral literature has been taught as an integrated subject in secondary schools for some time in Kenya. Since then, various researchers have carried out studies on the implementation of the integrated oral literature syllabus. Their general conclusion is that there are challenges faced in the implementation of oral literature syllabus. Very little attention has been paid to factors inhibiting implementation of oral literature syllabus among students and teachers of English language in secondary schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing the implementation of integrated oral literature syllabus in secondary schools in Nakuru Town East Sub County. The objectives of the study were to establish the influence of learners’ attitude and instructional strategies on the implementation of integrated oral literature syllabus in secondary schools in Nakuru Town East Sub County. The study was guided by the curriculum implementation theory by Gross and the inquiry-discovery theory by Pestalozzi, Herbert Froebel, Montessori and Dewey. The study employedboth descriptive and correlation designs. All form four students and teachers of English in secondary schools in Nakuru Town East Sub County were involved in the study. The accessible population was 72teachers of English and 660 form four students. Stratified random sampling was used to select 41 teachers of English and 248 form four students as study participants. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. The questionnaire was validated by the supervisors and research experts in curriculum studies. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis with the aid of SPSS version 25. The study established that attitude of students and instructional strategies affected the implementation of oral literature syllabus in secondary schools in Nakuru Town East Sub County. There was statistically significant relationship between attitude of students and instructional strategies and implementation of oral literature syllabus. The study recommends that students should change their attitude towards oral literature. Also teachers should adopt effective instructional strategies to enhance the implementation of oral literature syllabus
- Publications 2019 [91]