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dc.contributor.authorKIPKORO, STEPHEN KIPKURUI
dc.description.abstractWater loss monitoring in most water service providers in Kenya continues to be a challenge due to the manual method of monitoring and managing water loss. This necessitates the need to implement long range prototype that enables audits to be executed remotely, affordably and in an adaptable and efficient model specifically designed to manage data and provide solutions to long-lived water loss. The main objective of this study was to develop a long-range wireless based water loss monitoring model. The model used Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based on IEEE 802.15.4g standard. The technical standard is a low-cost, low-data-rate wireless access technology for devices that are operated or work with batteries. The IEEE with LoRa protocol is more secured and supports access control, data integrity, privacy and protection. The Wireless Sensor Network collects data remotely, efficiently and accurately at real time for the purpose of water loss monitoring. The specific objective of the study involved systematic review of technological challenges, design, implementation and evaluation of a scalable long-range model to detect water loss remotely and accurately at real time. Research design included an experiment which proved the proof of concept, expert interviews and systematic literature review to develop a scalable, iterative and flexible model for water loss monitoring. The network methodology and implementation used in this study was Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate and Optimize (PPDIOO) lifestyle approach. The study implemented network data propagation performance tests so as to rapidly design and develop the model. The Goal based evaluation was used to evaluate the model. LoRa is a wireless technology that offers a better solution over other technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 2G/3G/4G, RFID and ZigBee to provide the best applicable model for water loss monitoring. The monitoring was retrieved online by logging data propagated through the LoRa gateways in the network. The model result successfully recorded any sudden change in water flow and water pressure than the normal water consistent distribution. Water companies will now be able to monitor water supply and losses at real time using the LoRa technologies project that was successfully set up. The equipment’s access was a challenge and most of the hardware had to be amalgamated to form one functional unit. The solar panel to provide green energy was improvised to minimize power consumptions and other operation costs. The security of LoRa wireless sensor network is of great concern and merits for future research. There is a huge gap in the study to consider implementation of artificial intelligence in water loss prediction and water usage patterns.en_US
dc.publisherKabarak Universityen_US
dc.subjectWater Lossen_US
dc.subjectLong Rangeen_US
dc.subjectWireless Sensor Network Modelen_US

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